Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thanks to everyone again for all the responses. It makes it more fun to post when people respond back! Matt the soccer here is pretty good but the playing style is completely different. At the village that i will be in there is a competitive team that i will try and get on. They travel around to other villages so i am hoping to summon my inner pele and join the club! Oh and yes the zambezi is basically in my back yard. Andrew i think the spring break idea is a great one! Ha ha. I move into masansa after swear in. Swear in date is sept 2 4 so it wil be soon after that. And about fantasy im just trying to give you all a break. You are lucky i am in africa. Next near they are gonna name the trophy after me ha. Andi i have decided meat pies are my favorite thing in zambia. The meat is a mystery but it sure tastes like paula dean made it! Our pre service training is almost done! We finish training in a week and a day. I have a mock final language test tomorrow and then the real one next wed. Everything has flown by for sure. Every day i feel more and more african. I can now balance water on my head for more than five seconds and i can start a fire within ten minutes. I even enjoy climbing under my mosquito net right before bed. It almost feels like a safety net of sorts. There is something re assuring about it now. Especially considering i first thought it was a ghost every time i woke up in the middle of the night! I got letters from a few people this week and it made my day. Responses are coming! Oh and i almost forgot, rock chalk baby! Stacia texted me and told me the news of the victory! I hope they heard the celebrations all the way in columbia. I also wanted to give my email address on here. It is baperry59@gmail.com this is the best way to contact me for sure. I check it every day several times. Im actually suprised obama has yet to contact me through it. I hope everyone is doing well! Stay classy america. Ha ha


  1. It has become my vision quest to locate Masansa on the map. No way Google Earth is right. Send me some gps coordinates when you get there, it is driving me crazy!


  2. Good luck on your language test tomorrow. And please send Dad those GPS coordinates. We were sitting in Borders on Sunday and where did I find your father...looking for Masansa. He just wants to know EXACTLY where you are. Sounds like you are learning some life skills. We love you,

  3. I am so glad you like meat pies! I love them!! Do you buy them on the street? We did and will in a few weeks!Good luck on your language test!! I am sure you will do well!!We sent a package your way a couple of weeks ago. Hope it arrives soon!! You need to see pictures of Kate bowling!! She loved it! love you, andi

  4. I am an RPCV from Mali. I am trying to reach out to local agricultural NGOs for a small grant program that we are developing at Horticulture CRSP. Could you please email me if you know any local Ag. NGOs in Zambia, or if you have the contact information of other volunteers who would know of Ag. NGOs?

    I would really appreciate any help you can offer.

    Thank you,

    Peter Shapland
    Graduate Assistant
    Horticulture CRSP

  5. I hope they have a weight room in Africa....I miss you my man, hope all is well! The []_[] Baby!
