Sunday, October 3, 2010

High stepping in africa

Thanks again to everyone for the comments! I miss you all so much. Ricky- i would like to wish you a happy birthday for tmrw and mr andrew reeves, happy birthday on oct sixth! Just in case i cant update this before then. I wish i could be there with yall to help celebrate. So i got a new address in care any one in uncle sam land wants to send their boy some love. Its brooks perry, pcv peace corps p o box 840038 mkushi, zambia so use this one if you wanna hear back from me! So things are going well here. I need some hg tv in my life to figure out how to decorate my hut. So far, i have some pictures up and then a lot of blank space. Im trying to figure out a way to artistically move the ants on my walls so they look decorative. So far it has been to no avail. Let me know if anyone has any expertise on the issue. I have recently built a fence in my yard. It doesnt really make sense to fence things in around here, but it makes me feel a little bit like im back in american burbs. All thats missing is wilson to peek over the fence and say hi and im home in the red white and blue baby! Besides getting my house fixed up, i am also trying to meet as many people in my community. I have spent many hours already at the clinic and school and market place simply trying to get names with faces. Its hard going into a town where everyone knows who you are and expect you to know them as well. Hopefully by the end of two years i will know at least a few names. I hope everyone is doing well. Rock chalk!


  1. I was listening to Dave Matthew's "Ants Marching" and couldn't get it out of my mind that this should be your theme song!

  2. I remember moving to Kansas and going to Dillon's and no one looked familiar. I thought, I will never know anyone in this town. Then, one day, I turned down an aisle and there was 1 person I knew. That was a turning point for me. I know that as much as you are getting out that you will know people soon. Dad and I thought you were building the fence for the dog that was left for you by the previous PC. Did that not happen?
    Lots of love,

  3. Hey buddy! It's good to hear from you and I'm glad to hear that you're making your hut more like home. I've been pretty busy lately, but I will be sending you something in the near future so be on the lookout. I hope you get all settled in quickly. Take care man, adios!

  4. Buy some colorful fabric at the market to decorate your new home! I think that would look great! Fabric is not expensive!! Have fun!! Love hearing from u!

  5. With the new address, I will hopefully now send you the 4 letters I have stowed away to send to you! haha. And thanks for the b-day wishes brother, it truly means a lot! Good luck with the new surroundings and people, I thought moving to KC was a little tough, I have no clue what it would be like in a strange land with a strange language. As I've said before, theres no way I could do it, but I have absolutely no doubt, that you will be just fine my man! You'll be telling Billy Madison jokes with the locals within days!

  6. So, I sent you a letter about 2 weeks ago to the old address? Will you still get it, or should I resend it? I still have it saved on my computer.

  7. yea i sent a letter like 2 days before this post to the old address. will they mail you any mail you get at the old residence? and since i write mine, i do not have it saved on my cpu...damn you mindy!
